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TriloByte Main Office, Pardubice
Head: Secretary:
ing. Karel Kupka Marcela Salficka
e-mail: kupka@trilobyte.anet.cz
Sales: sales@trilobyte.anet.cz
Information: info@trilobyte.anet.cz
Marketing: mktg@trilobyte.anet.cz
Statistics - Data Analysis - Internet - NT
**NEW** QCE - Cesky system pro rizeni jakosti
**NEW** S-Plus 3.3 version release
TriloByte is a member of the International Association of Statistical Computing (AISC),
a section of ISI. Its activities concentrate in Statistical Data Analysis,
Statistical Software, Software for Quality Control and SPC, Conference &
Courses, Consulting, Solutions, Books for Research, Academies, Industry, Finance,
Environment, Biostatistics, Labs, Goverment.
TriloByte Scientific consultants:
prof. ing. Jiri Militky, CSc., University of Liberec, jiri.militky@vslib.cz
prof. Dr. Milan Meloun, DrSc., University of Pardubice, meloun@hlb.upce.cz
TriloByte is a distributor of S-Plus, a product of MathSoft/Statsci division
for Czech Republic and Slovakia as well ADSTAT and other statistical software.
Places of interest:
Statlib Index
IASC (International Association for Statistical Computing)
Elsevier Science Publishing
Capman & Hall Book Catalog
International (not only scientific) Book Shop
EMWAC, Europen Microsoft Windows NT Academic Center in Czech Republic