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3 ways to save


1. -60 CZK Monthly for all service programs, when paying from a bank account.
2. VÍKEND Calling on Saturdays and Sundays is cheapest with the Víkend service, available for an additional monthly charge of 95 CZK.


Public telephone network EuroTel network EuroTel voice mail
2,60 1,- 1,-
3. TÝDEN And with the Týden service, you can call from one EuroTel mobile telephone to another Monday through Friday for only 2.60 CZK/min., for an additional monthly charge of 179 CZK.
Off-peak period
Peak period
Public telephone network EuroTel network EuroTel voice mail
2,60 1,- 1,-

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.