From: Julius Hrivnac <>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 08:18:10 GMT
Subject:  Fwd: Anti-Spams measures in the Mail Service
Message-ID: <>

Nebylo by mozne udelat neco podobneho u nas ?

> For some time now users have been getting unsollicitated messages also
> called 'spams'. Moreover since October 1997 CERN's mail service machines
> were repeatedly attacked by spammers who have used our machines to send spam
> messages to hundred thousands of addresses giving outside people the
> impression that CERN was sending them spam messages.
> These attacks have lead us to cut rather dramatically the possibility for
> some sites which are well known to be laxist with spammers to send any
> message to CERN and to stop mail relay through our machines.
> This has 2 consequences:
>    * If somebody from a "banned domain" (The list is accessible at
>      tries to send you a message he will get an error message saying that
>      his address belongs to a "banned" domain and message cannot be delivered.
>    * If you are travelling and you try to use the recommended ""
>      machine to relay mail to somebody outside CERN, then it will fail and
>      you will get the message "We do not relay". This was already announced
>      in a news article
> We apologise for any inconvenience and hope you can understand the reasons
> for these rather strict decisions to protect you.
> This page is accessible from the Mail Service page at
> Arnaud Taddei for the

# E-mail:                                       #
# WWW:                   #
# S-mail: PPE Division; bldg.602,R-018; CERN; 1211 Geneve; Switzerland #
# voice: (022)-767-3170                                                #