Lobkowitz's Palace

Location:Jirska 3, Prague Castle

Open:Tuesday - Sunday 9 to 17 o'clock

Entrance Fees:
All buildings: 30 Kc
No expositions: 15 Kc
Exhibitions - Chaple 10 Kc
Exhibitions - The Large Hall 10 Kc
Exhibitions - the ground floor 10 Kc

Accessable for the disabled

Permanent Expositions:
  • National History

  • Vinzenz Maschek (1755-1831) commemorating the 240th anniversary of the birth of an important Prague musician
    Chapel of Lobkovitz's Palace
    From November 3rd till January 7th, 1996
  • Ententeeky Dva Schpaleeky historical toys
    From November 24th till January 28th, 1996
  • Works of W. Shakespeare in Theatres of Central Europe in 1918-1938
    Ground floor Room
    From January 12th to 28th, 1996.


Lobkovicky palac
Jirska 3
110 00 Praha 1 - Hrad
Czech Republic

Phone: +42 2 537364

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