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Main terms | Types of calls and means of billing | Price list of Basic and Additional Services | International Tariff Levels | 3 ways to save

Start Global Business GO
If you’re an advocate of mobile communications and believe that the mobile phone inseparably belongs.... You must always be in contact when you’re on the road and want to let your family and friends know when … You’re still part of the company’s business even if you’re on the road. You take calls, communicate… The least expensive telephone use. Period. No worries with office personnel. The simplest way to keep an eye on costs.

Service VÍKEND Service TÝDEN RENT Customer Info
This service can be additionally purchased to accompany any service program and brings with it cheap calls.... The Týden Service is designed for those of you who are in contact on a daily basis through other ....
For everyone who wants IRIDIUM
to take advantage of GSM services ....


Informations for customers  (Y2K, Partner).


Easy CallRecording serviceMobile officeSMSOther services
Call forwardingPraktikMobile InternetCNN MobileOperator Services
Call holdingUniversalData communicationsending SMSDetailed Bill
Signalling the incoming CallPROfessionalFax ServiceInformation ServicesChange of Cellular Number
Conference CallSMS GatewayPayment Collection from the Account
SMS PlusCall Blocking
SMS ReminderCLIP

Copyright EuroTel Praha spol. s r.o.